allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


a thousand flowers could bloom

whew. it's just after 10:45 and my room is finally all clean. gee, it only took me about five hours, give or take. hopefully i'll keep things in order for the rest of the week and then on saturday i can get this place even cleaner (dust everything, sweep the floor, vacuum the rug, change my sheets, organize my desk drawers and my cds, organize my shoes, do laundry, empty out the fridge, make laura clean up her shit, etc)....but for now, all my clothes are hung up, and most everything is in its right place. it's nice.

aj invited me to a frat party tonight and obviously i declined. not just a frat party, but a pike party. date rape central. i don't really think aj is like anymore (heh but i give him shit anyway), but's pike. actually i probably would have gone if laura wasn't taking a test and could have come with me and if i didn't have to anyway. the point to that story is that i think i'm (reluctantly) becoming friends with a frat boy heh.

i made some excellent purchases at target today, the best two being raspberry lemonade crystal light (much, much, much better than the other flavors i've tried) and the new red berry special k (they're really just freeze dried--yet tasty--strawberries hehe)...if i lived on those two food items only, i could probably limit my caloric intake to about 500 calories a day and my fat intake to about 1 gram a day heh. that would rule. special k even has lots of vitamins and nutrients heh.

well i'm going to go read a magazine now, because damnit, i earned it :)

everyone go to my brother's diary ( and visit his page heh. the rushmore shirt made me laughy.

10:47 pm - 2002-04-16


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