allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


when i heard the whole world crack

music: "cosmic rays", helium

i hate cleaning. plain and simple. i just hate it. i used to be able to get into this mode where all i wanted to do was clean...i don't know if i'm not capable of that anymore, or if my room has just been too, too dirty these past few times i've attempted to clean it.

either way, cleaning is just not fun anymore. but i'm making more progress than usual.

i was kind of getting into a "this sucks but i'll do it anyway" mode, but then jose came by and threw me out of whack. boys. hmmm.

ps: speaking of boys...ahem adam...why have i been a "bitch-face" lately, might i ask?

8:08 pm - 2002-04-16


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