allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


and the wind and snow and the rain that blows

so for anyone who didn't notice, i have a retarded website now and the address is on the bottom of this page...heh it's just like the ones we used to make in the beginning of highschool. except i don't really remember what we wrote on them back then...and i think they were cooler than the one i made the other night. sigh.

i usually have anthropology right now, but my teacher is out of town so all we did was get our tests back from the TAs. this was the test i wasn't sure how i did on, and when i got it back and saw that i got an 80, i started to, well, flip out "anthropology style" (raf knows what i mean heh). but then they put the curve chart up on the board and it turns out an 80 is an A! yay for me. the average was a 60something.

i wish i had known that was all we were going to do though, because i spent the night at jose's last night and i had to get up really early.

last night we finally finished watching "the jerk" (i'm always too drunk to be able to watch more than five minutes of it), which was really funny...heh and then dave came home from work and brought "the tigger movie" so we watched that too. awww it was actually kind of cute. dave is kind of weird, but i like hanging out with him and angelica. they don't freak out when jose and i kiss or hold hands or act like anything other than platonic friends.

things are good with jose right now. i'm not going to think too hard about anything.

it's oh-so-windy and not so warm today. something about it reminds me of a nashville day.

a weird thing happened when i walked into this computer lab...i thought i saw my journalism teacher, but then i realized it wasn't him. then i walked back another row....and guess who was sitting right there? my journalism teacher! heh. yes randomness=good.

god it's so weird that that girl adam knew died this weekend. i was just thinking about mikey and how much i miss some people and the general transient nature of life. i don't even know what brought it on...just got this sudden feeling that reminded me life is very impermanent. i hate to say it, but now maybe adam will understand why i acted so weird for such a long time after mikey died.

there are so many people i've taken for granted.

10:00 am - 2002-04-16


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