allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


mall of america

no fucking way. i just wrote an entire entry and then accidently deleted it.


blah ok reader's digest version:

sitting here listening to desaparecidos...anthro got canceled again and i'm pissed (again) because i spent the night at jose's last night (again) and had to wake up really early (again)....last night was fun shit...a large selection of alcohol (red wine, malibu rum, tequila, jack daniels), drunken peeps in buck 272 (me, jose, laura, scott, berkley)...planet gazing, bonding experience...won a shoe kicking contest...drew an excellent depiction of pinocchio....and so on.

sorry that was so lame. it's the damn computer's fault.

"all that caffeine causes bad dreams." sing it, conor, cuz i had some fucked up nightmares last night.

right now i want to be surrounded by all my favorite books and movies and albums and all the books and movies and albums that could become new favorites someday...i want my warm bed, and time....lots of time to do nothing and everything.

10:08 am - 2002-04-18


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