allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


let's go back in time

i'm going to write about last weekend now.

first, here is an entry i wrote last friday afternoon, but never posted:

Thank God it�s Friday.

I spent most of the day frantically writing my ad critique�luckily my music class was canceled. It turned out great, because I�m awesome. I talked about the new Levi�s ad campaign�how they�ve basically sold out and become just another company that uses sex to advertise its products. Until fairly recently, Levi�s was one of the only jean companies marketing to younger aged women that always retained a wholesome image. They also didn�t advertise very much. In recent years, however, ads for Levi�s �Superlow Stretch� jeans and similar tight, revealing styles are all over the place�magazines, television, even billboards. Blah, blah, blah.... I�ll stop talking about journalism now heh. �Don�t make me throw conflict theory on you��haha I almost died when I read that, Raf.

Last night was another one of those nights that I�ll likely remember when I look back on my �college experience.� I went over to Jose�s, and Jim had brought over his new karaoke machine and a bunch of beer. There�s nothing like singing cheesy songs to aid in the making of a bonding experience. I think the highlights of the night were hearing Jose singing �Survivor� by Destiny�s Child, hearing Dave sing �Sweet and Tender Hooligan� by the Smiths and pretending to be a drag queen, and singing a duet with Angelica�Poe�s �Angry Johnny.� Jim also made us do military drills. I really suck at doing push-ups heh. Then we went to Denny�s for like the millionth time this week and got hot chocolate and such. Made Jose stay up really late and speak Spanish to me�.passed out. It was a good night.

Tomorrow is 4/20, and I�m going to get high as a kite.

ok that's that. notice for once i actually used correct's because fucking microsoft word won't let you be lazy and only type in lowercase letters.

2:43 pm - 2002-04-24


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