allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


the short stories

hmmm my diaryland inspiration has been killed.

summary of this weekend:

friday=accompanied devin to some random guy's house to get my pot...left shortly after i was bored to tears and realized i was in very close walking distance of jose's apartment, almost fell asleep with jose, got raf to come get us, watched "tape" (excellent...directed by richard linklater, filmed all in 1 room...3 shit), smoked some pot out of a kazoo, went to denny's for the 4th time that week, died...

saturday=alika came over to raf's and raf and allison jumped in bed with me and jose and blah blah blah...felt like i was married and had young, annoying kids heh. went to turley's for breakfast, came home and showered, went to farrand field with jose, berto, and angelica...met up with rip, got hiiiiiiiigh/watched an amazingly huge cloud of marijuana smoke rise from the center of campus, met up with allison and raf and alika, i don't really remember because i was high...oh yeah, watched part of "moulin rouge"...composed myself, went to denver to a korean kareoke place with allison, raf, alika, and until it like broke down....went to paris on the platte, died again...

sunday=shit, what the hell did i do on sunday??? heh oh yeah i already wrote about it :)

ahhh my brain is fried. tired. last night i spent the night with jose again. blah must sleep now.

2:59 pm - 2002-04-24


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