allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


she leads a lonely life

note: i do not have a clock and the time is merely approximate.

so nashville has been filled with good and bad times. unfortunately, the high times have been few and far between. this has not been the hedonistic post-exam party i imagined, but oh well. i had a good time hanging out with greg and leslie the other night, and hanging out with my brother has been cool as well. i'm enjoying chillin' with james, but sadly he has to leave soon.

oh well, oh well.

i really wish my stuff would get here. i'm tired of wearing the same pants every day.

today i went to opry mills and it was scary. then i saw "about a boy" with my dad, and it was good.

tonight i spent mostly on the phone, talking to jose especially. i miss boulder. hung out with bill and aaron for awhile...came home and ate pizza. what an inspiring existance.

tomorrow i will do something meaningful with my life, i swear.

2:45 am - 2002-05-19


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