allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


buddy christ

music: mazzy star, hooverphonic, billie holiday, cocteau twins

the soundtrack to "stealing beauty" is perfect for late nights, especially stormy ones. it's raining pretty hard right now and causing all the skylights in my house to act as makeshift percussion instruments. mmm i love rainstorms at night.

it's a bit cold upstairs though. i wish i had someone to curl up in my bed with, someone to sleep late with. too bad i'm alone and have to get up early for work. i shouldn't complain though; i'll be getting up much earlier next week and essentially the rest of the summer.

so the jesus retreat wasn't all bad. i'm too lazy to go into it right now, but basically i'm going to have to teach these tots a lot more christian balony than previously expected. laura carr sure does loves that jesus fellow. heh. but it's interesting...i'm actually having fun anyway. the motley crew of slightly eccentric counselors is at least humorous. i think a lot of them are lesbians in denial of their sexuality. heh who knows.

okay i really ought to go to bed, but honestly i'm freakin' scared. i watched "the mothman prophecies" tonight with adam and's pretty damn scary. bad dreams for me. wah wah wah.

heh i hate dana. well i don't really hate her, but i feel the need to bitch about her some more since she obviously reads my diary (even though she made fun of me for reading hers) and feels the need to constantly diss me in hers. ugh she's just so full of shit. i wish she knew how much adam used to make fun of her. oooh i can't wait to visit next year hehe...i'm pretty sure he'll let me in your precious apartment, babe.

well that's all i have to say for now. bela fleck tomorrow woohoo. farewell my lovelies :)

oooh p.s. how do ya like the new template? i think it's godriffic.

2:00 am - 2002-06-06


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