allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


we were counting on forces we could not control

i miss matt. perhaps it was reading about how much he enjoys watching "undressed" (hehe i watched four episodes last night), but yeah...i dunno, he's one of the only people in boulder i can say i really like as a person. i guess it's kind of weird then that i rarely talk to him now and didn't even hang out with him that much in school. i didn't even send him a damn birthday card and i have three mix cds for him that i haven't even sent. blah.

camp is going well etc etc. babysat for lilli, william, and clay last night...i hadn't really seen them since i was a nanny for them two summers's weird to see how they've grown up...clay wasn't even a year old back then. ahhhh i miss that summer....with the exception of the mikey ordeal. merrr.

hung out with james. i wish he didn't have to leave. i feel like i probably act weird around him because of the whole time constraint thing. hmmm. oh well. i'm just happy i got to know was one of the weirdest (but coolest) chance events of the year so far.

there's a lot of other crap going on in my life right now, but i can't exactly talk about it. all i can say is that it's making me happy but it probably shouldn't, and might fuck things up for me later. ugh. try not to think about the future. focus on the present. don't freaking overanalyze.

anyway. my brother found an almost empty sack of pot and a bunch of rolling papers in my mom's closet last night. goddamnit why is my family so fucked up? well anyway, it's time to go watch them get drunk again...mmm sunday lunch with the fam...they should make it into a tv show, especially when my aunt's in town.

12:51 pm - 2002-06-09


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