allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


your hair is everywhere

yesterday i told james that this is going to be an amazing weekend, and so far, i'm right.

nothing spectacular has happened, i've just forced myself to be in a good mood for once heh.

the second week of this past session of camp was tres bon, as was having a bit of a holiday on the 4th. i will miss all my kiddies for sure, but i'm kind of excited about seeing what this next session has in store for me. i'm with the older kids (heh as in 7 and 8, as opposed to 5 and 6...) again, which i think i prefer...

lately i've had a weird desire to become a kindergarten teacher or an occupational therapist. i'm probably crazy, who knows.

so what else have i done this past week? ...made some extra $$$ last weekend babysitting for lilli/william/clay again, learned that i have asthma, had to take steroids for asthma (along with allergy shit and another pill i have to take for like a freaking year), saw fireworks, chilled with bill, learned that my whole family smokes pot, watched lots of unsolved mysteries and howard stern, changed my diaryland template, started a secret new diary, got some new cds (preston school of industry, sloan, the soundtrack to "storytelling"...), went to walmart, etc etc.

last night i got drunk for the first time in like a month or so....with my family heh. my uncle had a cookout thing and i kind of got in the wine a bit. poor raf had to endure my weird rich southern fam AND cart around my drunk ass. at least he got some hamburgers out of it...oh yeah, i tried a bite of hamburger for the first time since i was seven or was quite foul. i did not enjoy it at all. anyway so we did that and went to fido and drank coffee, then raf went to a movie and i made adam come get me....

sooo we headed over to jacob's new house (which is freakishly EXACTLY the same as greg tidwell's)....and then began our ghost hunting journey to leiper's fork. two and a half or so hours later we returned, having seen the following odd things:

-an old man and a horse outside of a barn from approx. 12:45 to 1:30 am (we went by a couple times)

-a white wolfish looking dog

-lots of blood red leaves alongside the road

-things moving in the trees

-shadowy figures in the road

-a completely dark house with only one small, rectangular shaped window lit up

-lots of abandoned looking houses

we also drove to a cemetary, parked the car, and got out. when the car lights were shining on the graves, they all looked short and rectangular shaped...but when the lights were all out i swear to god they seemed to morph into tall, white lots of people standing motionless in a field. it was so freaky that we probably didn't even stand out there for an entire minute.

the bad/weird feeling was probably the scariest's just fucking eery out there...we have to go back.

oh yeah haha we also saw a naked guy in franklin square and a sign that said "big d's nuts." heh.

anyway, so after that little adventure, we dropped off jacob and i made adam drive me around over by mikey's house. he's been on my mind a lot lately with the whole two year thing coming up, not to mention the fact that i've seen FOUR white mercury mystiques since i've been home...that's twice as many as i'd seen in the almost two years since he died. it's almost like an omen or something. ugh.

so yeah. then i came home and fucked around with my template and went to bed.

sooo...i got up today, took a long bath, overdosed on midol, went to noshville with my dad and my bro, la la la. bill just came over and we had a nice chat...ironically it was about how many of our friends and aquaintances are very fucked up these days, but it was a good conversation to have. i hope we get to talk to a certain two people about a certain drug addiction in their lives.

i just wonder people can go through life with no goals whatsoever. i wonder if these people around me are ever going to wake up...blah i have to go reduce my period/steroid/jewish deli food induced bloat by some hardcore working out. yow.

3:38 pm - 2002-07-06


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