allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


center of gravity

it's 11:15 on saturday morning and i'm sitting in my underwear listening to yo la tengo's "i can hear the heart beating as one." i think this is quite possibly my favorite album of all time.

i'm going to attack this day with gusto. or something. despite the fact that my ass is still kind of dragging because of that aforementioned sinus infection thing (plus a possible ear infection), i've already gotten up and showered and everything. i'd even be dressed already, but as i pulled on the jeans i was wearing last night, i remembered that i spilled chai all over the crotch of them as penance for accidently spilling chai all over leslie's crotch first. so anyway that killed my inspiration to get dressed.

i thought perhaps writing an entry in my diary might revive it.

i am so fucking happy that rip is back from florida. yesterday after work we went to dragon park and had a water gun fight and threw around a frisbee and blocked off a tunnel. i heard some dad say "good jobbers" to his kid and i really wanted to kick him in the balls for being such a ned flanders. anyway then we headed over to bmcc and proceeded to drink icees/swim/have kickboard fights/jump of the high dive/etc. i think i got the biggest wedgie of my life, but somehow my top stayed on. anyway, twas the best afternoon i've had in awhile.

i came home and called adam and he wasn't there, so i read the new marie claire and then passed out for was a lovely nap. when i woke up, i realized he still hadn't called me. when i finally got in touch with him, drama ensued. i'm tired of this.

anyway, i ended up going to brad's house. it was his 20th birthday last night, which is somehow scary. it was cool i guess....seeing robert and brandon for the first time in forever and such. around midnight they decided to watch some movies and i decided i'd take off...wasn't in the mood to be the one girl of the bunch (ironic considering if lauren trent or any of those bitches had been over there i probably wouldn't have come over in the first place...).

i headed over to cafe coco with the intention of writing in my (paper) diary and reading anais nin. hah lame i know but i was in a bit of a sullen mood and just wanted to chill with myself and sulk a bit. however, i ended up first running into this freak named jeremy who asked me for my number and then gave me his when i denied him ("i was thinking it would be cool if like, we didn't just have to run into eachother to be able to talk"...i've met this motherfucker maybe three times...straight into the trash, baby)...and then james patton and leslie. sooo, i ended up talking to james and leslie forever instead of being a coffee shop nerd all by my lonesome (hence the chai spilling incident)...which was probably better for me anyway. at one point ricky stumbled in drunker than usual, which was entertaining for a moment.

sidenote: numerous people told me i looked tan last night, which ruled. i love my freckles and my tan lines on my shoulders and my feet (i have the worst flip flop tan ever)....hahahaha i'm such a freak.

so yeah. around 2:30 i hit the road and came home to lay in my bed and listen to the sea and cake and think about stuff and eventually drift off to sleep. after letting this whole james situation marinate for a bit, it all seems even more strange. i wish i could just stop thinking about it...i'm not even quite sure why it bothers me. i don't even know if that's even the right way to express it--the way i feel about that whole situation, that is. i wish i was the kind of person who doesn't overanalyze or overthink things and such. perhaps in my next life...

anyway, this morning i woke up at 9:30, ate some chocolate graham crackers, and now i'm here. recharged, refreshed, with a revived inspiration to get dressed.

adios mes amigos.

11:15 am - 2002-06-29


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