allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


stop playing guitar

tonight leslie and adam and i went to see ernest chapman's new band, chloraform...i had no idea about what to expect, but from the moment i arrived at guido's, their garrish garb gave me a bad feeling...anyway here is a summary of my thought process during the performance:

1. ohmygod this is terrible.

2. ohmygod they might actually be talented if they didn't all try to show off at the same time.

3. ohmygod did they just sound like the white stripes/the vines/the hives/every other band that sounds like that for half a second?

4. ohmygod ernest's mom is going to sing a song about lesbian love.

5. ohmygod beth neilson chapman is trying to sound punk rock.

6. ohmygod i can only look at ernest's naked chest, matt hungate trying to look sexy and cool in front of a microphone, and ernest's mom rocking out to a song called "pornography" for so long...

7. ohmygod this would have been so much better if leslie and i had brought our "ernest is a dreamsicle" signs...

8. ohmygod this is actually a really obnoxious, sweaty kind of way.

9. ohmygod when is it going to be over? this is the show that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends...

10. ohmygod...thank's over.

yeah. something like that. oh last thing...their sound kind of reminded me of the kind of band whose claim to fame would be having a track on a shitty gen-x movie soundtrack. mmm cheesy soundtrack rock. delish.

11:11 pm - 2002-07-08


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