allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


oh baby baby

music: "dirty" by sonic youth

so i'm pretty much completely moved in. classes have started and i've even kind of mended things with jose. everything is working out, and i sure as hell don't miss nashville like i missed boulder when i first got home for the summer.

i miss jason of course, but that is independent of nashville as far as i'm concerned.

this is going to be another half-assed entry because i'm just writing while i'm eating and soon i will have to go work out. i made my first "real" voyage to the grocery store ever on monday, and i am very proud of the healthy selections i made. if i continue with this balanced diet and somehow force myself to exercise as well, the weight of nashville will literally be lifted off my shoulders (er, really my stomach) in no time. now if i could just get a job....

i'm going camping with matt this weekend...yayayayayay!

7:04 pm - 2002-08-28


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