allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


sitting on the cafe zino steps


it's 1:00 pm on a lovely sunday afternoon, and "bleh" is about all i can get out. i woke up earlier, around 7:00, and drank the last of my orange juice...but now i guess i'm finally up for good.

last night matt and i went to penny lane and smoked too many cigarettes and drank beverages probably too hot for a normal person to drink outside in this damn weather (i'm ready for the cold, some nice brisk air anyway). matt said something along the lines of "tobacco smells a lot cooler before you set it on fire and stick it in your mouth" and i just about died.

after that, we went to his friend's house to get high. matt's last few diary entries were pretty cryptic and i wasn't exactly sure what he was getting at, but i'm pretty sure that i feel bad for encouraging him to smoke. it's just like the time with james earlier this summer, which actually caused me to have many a revelation about pot smoking.

weird, aj just called again and i talked to him for over half an hour...i think he remembered that he likes talking to me because unlike all the other girls he knows (with the exception of my roommate laura), i can actually beat his ass to the floor when it comes to witty remarks.


so we got really high at this guy kepa's house, and i kind of wanted to just go home and pass out. so i did, but when i got to my door, i realized i had forgotten my keys. i knocked forever but no one answered, so i went across the street to rip's. again, no answer, but for some reason the door was unlocked. i came back and tried grady/pete/dan's apartment, but again no answer. so, after more banging on my own door, i went downstairs to look for marissa in brooke hagaman and that dominique chick's room. luckily she was there, but she made me smoke even more pot!

the truth is, even i didn't want to get that high. i came home feeling not so well and generally too fucked up to even sleep. after attacking my munchies with some spit pea soup, i realized laura and berkeley were home the whole fucking time and didn't hear me knocking. we really need a goddamn doorbell. anyway.

so i called jason because i was lonely and missing him and wanting to talk to someone. i felt like such a jackass, being so fucked up and all, but of course he was really cool and understanding about it. honestly i really don't remember much of what we talked about now, but i know we talked for about two hours....two hours after which i was STILL really high.

but i was practically passing out, so around 2:00 in the morn, i decided i should head to bed. that's the story of my night i guess.

i feel like shit right now. i need to get shit done.

my dad sent me beer money and i spent it on coffee. hehe.

yay i finally get to see "y tu mama tambien" tonight.

au revoir...sorry for fairly abrupt endings and even more abrupt goodbyes.

1:21 p.m. - 2002-09-08


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