allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


foxy lady

i'm sad to say that robert plant (my potted gerber daisies) has died. i think i'm a sucky gardener.

the past few days have been a rollercoaster of emotions, fo sheazy. i spent a large part of september 11 moving thousands of backpacks for kids in afghanistan (a bit funny, yes) across an extremely hot warehouse in broomfield (for my goddamn alcohol violation community service). it wouldn't have been that bad if cyrus hadn't come in way too often to laugh at my misery and stare at my ass. but i was mostly all by myself and almost went insane...not to mention the fact that i had to miss sleater-kinney and even though the whole ordeal took 6 hours of my time, cyrus is only counting 4 of them because he's a fucking bastard.

but when i came home, i talked to jason on the phone for a long time and felt so much better. i miss him so much...ahhh less than a month. i'm so retarded for him and it's so scary to me. i didn't think i could feel this way.

today was good, for the most part. i started my other volunteering job (the one i'm doing willingly) at community montessori. basically i just ran around with a bunch of little kids and painted and played mancala. however, when i got back to my place, some motherfucker was parked in my parking space for the 2nd time in the past day. i keep getting warnings for parking in illegal spaces, but i pay fucking $45 a month to park in that space and damnit i'm not going to park across the street.


i looked all slutty earlier today. i decided to sport some fairly severe eye makeup and blowdry my hair really straight and wear jewelry and a very small black tank top and my jeans that are kind of too big so they tend to slip off my ass...oh yeah and my shoes that laura calls "the hooker boots." getting stared at is fun. well unless it's because you keep having to bend over to move backpacks in a warehouse.


7:15 pm - 2002-09-12


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