allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


you were the only one who ever knew me

on 1190, they have recently introduced this thing called "adult swim." basically it comes on randomly in the middle of different programs and they play a couple tunes for "aging indie kids." or something. heh.

anyway this morning they played "back in our town" by ivy (a very lovely track with james iha doing backup vocals) and it made me happy. i just thought you should know that.

i hope i'm not an aging indie kid though. but i guess it's better than being part of the latest crop of kids. they make me wanna die.

in other news, i knocked many a calorie off my breakfast meal by mixing bran buds instead of low-fat granola into my fat-free yogurt and also by replacing my oj with diet v8 splash. by themselves, bran buds are just plain unacceptable, but mixed with peach yogurt, they're quite amazing.

i'm going back to bed, fools.

9:17 am - 2002-09-10


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