allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


jason belcher

sometimes when i get off the phone with him i just get this knot in my chest. i just...want to be with him so badly.

i wish i knew exactly what about him i find so incredibly amazing, because then maybe i could find it in someone else. but of course that's not what i really want, it just hurts so much sometimes to be away from him.

and it's become worse lately...which seems counterintuitive considering i get to see him in barely over a week. but i guess my excitement about that has just trasformed itself into an intensified longing.

i his hair is always so messed up and cute, i love how his pants are always too short, i love his chuck taylors, i love him driving me home and listening to music and dark streets and goodnight kisses, i love how we've never had a fight, i love his cats, i love his apartment and his lucy chairs and his couch, and i loved making out with him in the back of "8 legged freaks" and in the middle of a carwash...

sometimes i just wanted to get in his head and live all the experiences he's had, because i love his life, and i love him.

god i'm such a lame-o right now. i think i'm going to cry.

6:34 pm - 2002-09-29


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