allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


maurice has come to party

today is really fucking amazing because it's friday and classes are over and it's warm again and i got all the deviance notes i missed and i turned in my music hw and my philo hw and i aced the philo test i got back and life is just excellent, really, even though for some reason i wish raf was here to make fun of me.

last night i barely got any sleep because i took an amazing nap in the afternoon and then there were calc nerds at my apartment til really late at night and i had to play belle and sebastian really loud to drown out the sounds of equations being solved in drunken unison and the sky was almost pink outside and i had to pull his socks almost up to my knees because it was fucking cold.

so the moral of that story is that because it's friday and i'm free and apparently people don't get stoned on farrand field anymore, i'm going to go exercise profusely and then pass out for exactly thirty minutes because otherwise i may fall into rem sleep and not want to wake up and ruin my friday night!

that's the plan!

3:53 pm - 2002-10-25


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