allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


shut up mom

i am listening to: "rich girls" by lifeboy

note: i actually wrote this entry around 1:00 pm, but unfortunately diaryland was being fucked up...

so i'm supposed to be eating lunch with rip right now, but for some reason the fact that he got to music class late again kind of irked me. after class, i told him i had work to do and sent him on his merry way, figuring he had probably been lingering in bed with gwen all morning and would probably rather eat lunch with her anyway. besides, the thought of putting food in my body right now is not exactly a pleasant one.

in other news, when i was walking to campus earlier, i ran into todd outside of my apartment building. we took the bus together, and he made some comment about how cu is "so full of diversity." i laughed in his face, as i always do when he makes comments like this, and remarked that i failed to see any modicum of diversity at all.

todd said something like, "well, i guess what i mean is that there are so many kinds of girls here." yeah...there are lots of different kinds of rich, hot, white girls heh. instead of pointing that out, i replied, "the way i see it, there is basically me, and then there are 25,000 blonde girls with skinny legs sticking out of their north face jackets."

but we all know how jaded i am.

and speaking of blonde girls with skinny legs sticking out of their north face jackets, i ran into haley crumbo a few minutes ago. we gave eachother the requisite harpeth hall greeting, which goes something like this:

-girl #1: "OMIGOD! it's ___!!!"

-girl #2: "HEYYY! HOW ARE YOOOU?"

-girl #1: "awesome!!!"

-girl #2: "me too!!! well, see ya later!!!"

-girl #1: "BYEEE!!!"

well, i am being unfair. the last time i saw haley (at a frat party, no less), i think i also said something like, "omigod, is stephanie getting on charles? i used to smoke with him at chey ho and he tried to hook up with my roommate!" hmmm.

argh. this is my life.


when i was getting dressed this morning, i was listening to tori amos' "from the choirgirl motel" (or maybe it's choirgirl hotel, whatever). i generally believe that everything she did after "boys for pele" is kind of sub-par, but this is the last album she made that at least has some sentimental value for me. it reminds me of the beginning of my sophomore year in high school....when i was (surprise, surprise) extremely unhappy.

still trying to shake that whole goth bitch routine, i hadn't sold my soul to alcohol and mba boys i guess you could say i was in kind of a state of anomie heh. anyway that really has nothing to do with anything...but i was thinking about the second tori amos concert i went to, right after this album came out. i felt pretty freakin' cool that day, because my mom let me skip school (well, maybe we just had a day off...i don't remember) and visit jennifer harris at usn. after she picked me up, we went to fido for coffee and some vandy guy hit on me and invited me to a party. i was like, "yes, i rule."

that night, i went to the concert (which, actually, was at vanderbilt) with emily, one of the young life leaders (which was kind of sketch, considering she was like, a sophomore in college...why the hell was she hanging out with me?), and jeff slobey, who was in town from college on fall break or something. it was a good show, and emily stayed until the end even though she had some paper to write (but in retrospect, i think that was only because she felt sorry for me, because jeff basically ditched me to go hang out with that slut, mary interlandi).

oooh i was so pissed at jeff, because i had been so excited about seeing him, and because i thought i was still so "in love" with him then. hmph...the only boy who ever really broke my heart.

the next day, however, i had an algebra II test, and even though i didn't get home from the concert until like 1 am, i still got a 98 on it. that was pretty badass.

ohhhh memories.

4:44 pm - 2002-11-06


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