allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


credit in the straight world

right now i want that feeling you get when you finally write down something you've wanted to write down all day.

unfortunately, there is nothing i want to write down right now.

today, after my creative writing class, i ate wok'n'roll for lunch. i couldn't remember the last time i'd ingested any meat, so i got something with chicken in it. it was so fucking disgusting...i just couldn't shake that chewy, once-alive feeling.

however, i saw this japanese man eating his food with two knives...and he was holding them like chop sticks. i didn't understand this, considering they have a huge container full of normal chop sticks right next to the container of knives...but it was still funny to observe.

after i did that, i went to the bookstore. i never go there anymore. last year, i ate lunch in the umc almost every day, and afterwards i went to the bookstore to kill time before whatever class i had. i guess this was partly because last year, i was still indulging in what i fondly call reckless eating habits, but probably more because my classes were really fucking spread out.

um...yeah. they were having a book sale or something, and i almost bought this huge, originally $50 photography book, on sale for $4.99. $4.99! that's amazing! anyway, i decided not to buy it because it would be a pain in the ass to carry home. hmmm.

i also read the new bazaar. liv tyler is on the cover and she looks amazingly beautiful. the pictures in the article about her are also really good--especially one where she's just wearing thigh highs, a scarf, and a hat. funny, i thought about wearing that same outfit just this morning!

hmmmerrr (well, that's a new one)...i really have nothing else to say.

oh yeah, matt and i watched "interiors" last night and it was fabulous. allison, if you are reading this, you are retarded for not watching the whole thing with me!

wow. sometimes i can type really fast. like dis (does best 7th grade soccer coach impression): weurhqkwjeryqiweryqewirhq!!!!

oh, and by the way, i turn twenty in one month from today. AND i can drink beer legally in thirthteen months from today!!!

4:45 pm - 2002-11-07


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