allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


the sky is a hazy shade of winter

now playing: carole king, "will you still love me tomorrow?" (heh)

shows i must go to:

-brad mehldau on feb. 26(?)

-sea and cake on march 7 (folk implosion is also playing that night, damnit)

-rilo kiley on march 11

-death cab for cutie on march 19 (um but i think my bro is coming to town that night...maybe he can get a taxi to boulder?)

-pinback on april 2

i'm super excited because the sea and cake and pinback are both playing at the gothic, my fave venue. i guess since i've already seen death cab it won't matter too much if i miss em, but i'm psyched about all the good shows that are finally coming here....even though i'm missing rainer maria, damnit.

oh yeah, also i am really embarrassed because i like that jack johnson guy. and does anyone know if the new cat power is out yet?

more later about last weekend and all the shit that's been making me busy, busy, busy. anyway it's time to read some philosophy...woohoo.

12:59 pm - 2003-02-11


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