allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


postmodern sleaze

hah my nerve-scope would have been so sadly true a few months ago (well, minus the ig stalking...i'm not one of those losers who actually buys credits heh):

capricorn (Dec. 22nd-Jan. 20th)

Don't work it so hard. And don't be so friggin' available all the time. It's okay to be on the Personals 24/7 (how do you think we get paid?), but at least "hide" yourself on IG every now and then to give the appearance of a life elsewhere. And next time a hottie from your Hot List pops up online, count to ten before shooting them an IG. Yes, even on IG, it's still called "stalking."

god. why won't dumb people stop "working" me so hard? hah. i promise i'll write a real entry later.

3:25 pm - 2003-02-24


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