allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


you're spinning me around

stolen from raf:

what's on your nightstand?

badass lamp that looks like a lite brite, a vintage scarf used as a tablecloth thing, assorted happy meal toys, my mod looking round cd player, a bunch of cds, an empty beer know, the usual.

what's the geekiest part of your music collection?

hmm. lots of it. i get a lot of shit for having as many ani difranco cds as i do.

what do you eat when you raid the fridge at night?

i rarely have any fucking food in my refrigerator. i usually go for miso.

what is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?

uh like anything. "dancer in the dark" really gets me, though.

if you could have cosmetic surgery, what would you have done?

breast reduction!!!

do you have a completely irrational fear?

i am so afraid of cars, especially on the interstate. however, i don't think it is very irrational of me.

what is the little, physical habit that gives away your insecure moments?

cuticle chewing and lip biting.

do you ever have to beg?

i always get my way, mofo.

do you know anyone famous?

um, some dumb country music people. bill frist. no one exciting.

describe your bed:

full sized, super hard mattress that sucks, like seven pillows, various blue sheets, blue comforter, a carebear, etc.

spontaneous or planned?

i try to be spontaneous, but let's face it...i'm a capricorn.

who should play you in a movie about your life?

people used to always say christina ricci, but now she's too damn anorexic. i dunno maybe thora birch? ...some pale bitch with dark hair and big tits.

do you know how to play poker?

i've been cheated in strip poker several times.

what do you carry with you at all times?

keys and dr. pepper lipsmackers lip gloss...also usually my monkey wallet, or at least a credit card and my id. often, my gigantic blue corduroy bag of crap.

how do you drive?

i've been deemed "the worst driver ever" several thousand times. however, aside from one cu parking violation, i've never received a ticket.

what do you miss most about being little?

being very small.

are you happy with your given name?

cat is fine, but i don't really see myself as a "catherine."

how much money would it take to get you to give up the internet for a year?

um....probably a lot.

what color is your bedroom?

generic eggshell apartment wall colored, but covered with a zillion posters and such.

what was the last song you were listening to?

the last song on the postal service album jared copied for me.

have you ever been in a school play?

uh, several. i've starred in such roles as a skeleton in a shel silverstein poem, a street urchin in "aladdin", mama bear in a french version of the three bears ("les trois ourses"), and several forgettable parts in plays at camp this summer.

have you ever truly been in love?

maybe. god who really knows sometimes.

do you have too many love interests?


do you like yourself and believe in yourself?

i'm here.

have you ever done any illegal drugs?

um, do you read my diary? i'm a reformed pothead...i don't really need that shit to entertain myself these days.

do you think you're cute?

i'm having a pretty good appearance day right now.

do you consider yourself to be a nice person?

not really. i try, though.

� �

time to meet with my advisor so i can get out of this place nine months early!

11:04 am - 2003-02-27


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