allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


silent radio waves

mmm yes. it's 6:00 and it's not dark outside yet. i love that.

today i've been stressing myself out for no good reason. well, there are valid reasons, but they're just not worthy of my time right now. maybe it has to do with the amount of coffee i drank stress level and the number of times i have to pee a day are usually directly proportionate to the quantity of coffee running through my innards.

i ran into matt at prufrock's earlier. i could see the pure burning hatred in his much tension. i don't know what the deal is--when i ran into him at a reading on friday night, things seemed to be cool. about as cool as they can be, i guess.

everything involving boys is just annoying me. i have a fair number of dating options right now, and i don't know what to do about it. not having been in the game for a while, this random outburst of male attention is kind of frightening.

mmm. especially considering i'm not really into any of them. damnit. i must say, however, that i forgot how fun meeting people can be. with the exception of a few people (i.e allison and laura), i've found that i've pretty much gotten myself into a rut with everyone i've known since last year.

this is college. i'm supposed to have a social life. i'm supposed to be shallow. i'm going to be out of here in a year and a half anyway...might as well fucking live it up. my only concern is that i become such a huge flake when i have to deal with having more than like, three people in my life. i guess i should work on that.

here's a funny thing i've learned about college students in the past week or so: a lot of them don't even want to get laid! heh. it seems like everyone i talk to is just like, "damn, i wish i had someone to makeout with." yeah. me too. but at the same time, i have absolutely no desire to have a boyfriend. perhaps i should meditate on that one.

adding to my stress level over the past 24 hours is the fact that my car got booted last night. that fucking sucked. man, i lashed out on that parking guy. they better give me a refund...meh. i don't want to go into it right now, but basically it was totally not warranted.

yet, there are still a few items in the good news category. a. i cleaned my room hardcore this weekend. quite simply, it is amazing. b. i got an A on the journalism paper i barely finished last week. even more amazing. c. i went shopping today. yay for urban outfitters. d. raf gets here in ten days! it's gonna be an old school boulder par-tay. e. "thoughts on" conversations with pablo are like the most thoroughly entertaining aol chats i've had in my life. hah.

well, i have a test tomorrow, so i guess i should start studying if i want to be able to make anything of this night.

ps: on saturday, while cleaning my room, i discovered that macy gray rules. not only is she super ghetto, but she says "boning" a lot and she reminds me of high school. man, i couldn't ask for more.

5:59 pm - 2003-03-03


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