allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


what goes on

i hate this time on a sunday night, when it's less than ten minutes til twelve o'clock, and i know i ought to be in bed, and i'm just stumbling toward the weekday rush. why can't weekends be longer? i've never been one of those people who keep their fridays and/or mondays free of classes--i prefer midweek tuesday and thursday breaks--but i must say, right now that sort of schedule seems like it would be nice. oh, what am i talking about? college really is one big four year weekend.

i guess i'm just bitching because it's the end of the semester and i have all these exams and things. i had to write a fifteen page paper for one of my journalism classes last week, and then, because i was just _so_ damn tired, i decided to take my philosophy exam on saturday morning. my other option was to write a paper, but i just didn't have the strength to pound out four or five pages of philosophical drivel on friday night. i hadn't really eaten or slept or showered in days, so i decided waking up on saturday morning and studying for an hour was a better idea.

anyway, so i ended up just taking a really long nap on friday afternoon/evening, and then waking up and reading more "prozac nation", and making some amazing penne with greek olives and feta and pesto. it probably had like two million grams of fat in it, but it was all i had to cook, and damnit i think i lost like five pounds between wednesday and friday. thursday just killed me. i simply cannot stare at a computer screen all day--the aftereffects are somewhat similar to the way i felt after tripping acid for twelve hours straight and thus not really closing my eyes for about twelve hours straight as well.

but yeah. i talked to allison for a while. showered. talked to evan before i went to bed. actually got a good night's sleep....woke up pretty late on saturday morning, but still managed to study a bit and rock my exam.

after that, i met up with evan in his lab and threw skittles all over the place. we loaded up some water guns and headed down to denver. man, it was such an amazing day. first, we went to his ex-neighbors mike and abby's house. i really love denver...their house is old, but renovated and super nice. they were working on their lawn though, so we went to einstein's got bagels and went and chilled at the botanical gardens and the art museum. i really like hanging out with evan...i think of pretty much everyone i've ever met, we have the most similar thought processes. i just had such a good time feeding ducks and hanging out on the grass and making up stories about weird people we saw and looking at bad art and listening to track number four on the interpol cd like 7518752356 times with him...i can't really explain it any better than that.

so then we went back over to mike and abby''s sort of weird how grown up they are. i mean, they're only in their mid-twenties and they have this awesome house with grown up furniture and shit, and they have real jobs and i mean they even just bought a dog. it seems so weird that those things are not far off in the future. it will be weird when everyone i know starts getting married. it's sort of a relief though, knowing you can get married and be an adult and still be cool. i really liked meeting them.

when we came back to boulder, we decided to stop by this homebrew party. being that both of us were unshowered and such, we didn't expect to stay long, but it ended up being a really good time. i usually hate going to parties with boyfriends, because i feel bad for talking to other people. maybe it was just the super strong beer, but on saturday night i felt totally comfortable socializing and not being attached at the ass with evan. i met this cool guy who was a journalism major, actually--i think i can just smell them or something. it was pretty rad though, because everyone else was a chemist-y type.

wow. i was so drunk though. evan and i attempted to go out afterwards, but we were both just wasted. i mean, i could barely walk...i couldn't even see my reflection in the mirror. so, we pretty much just passed out.

today we were kind of hungover, so we lingered in bed sooo late. it was really nice though--we've been so busy lately that there hasn't been a lot of time for morning makeout/conversating sessions. eventually we went on a quest for chinese food, and finally found it in north boulder. mmm. so then we saw "a mighty wind." it was pretty funny, but i like christopher guest's other movies better. evan is so going to grow up to be eugene levy's character.

i meant to spend the rest of the day studying for my media and public culture exam tomorrow, but that didn't really happen. i finally trekked over to penny lane around 8:45 and got some stuff done, but then i ran into django and ended up chatting with him about shit for an hour. then, i decided to pay evan a goodnight visit. arghhh i'm so smitten. he made me the best mix cd ever. so, after some prolonged goodnight kisses, here i am, back at the homefront. and i guess i really really should go to bed.

i gotta say though, this weekend i definitely realized how much i like evan. i hate to admit it, but i need to be with someone who grew up sort of like i did...someone who has a sibling, someone who went to prep school, someone whose parents aren't divorced, someone who likes cats, someone who is shy but wacky, someone who likes good music, someone who has spent a lot of time in maine, someone who actually wants to do something with his life. he's my dark haired blue-eyed mid-twenties indie rock dream boy. how did i get so damn lucky?

hmmm. life rules.

ps: i updated my yahoo photo thingy with some new me shots and django and evan at the lounge shots., in case you didn't bookmark it already :)

11:51 pm - 2003-05-04


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