allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


sunshine superman

last night evan and i went to bed at like 10:30. in fact, i'm not even sure where the evening went...i picked him up from the lab pretty early, and we drove around looking at the apartments he found, and came back to his (nice and vacant) place for um, round one. oh yeah and he played guitar. ahahah and we watched his high school band/barber shop concert video.

eventually we went to safeway and then went back home and made dinner and watched annie hall, but i'm pretty sure that's all we did. heh i guess we spent most of the evening in bed. god i am so fucking comfortable with him...i've never felt such a good balance between everything.

i remember writing this manifesto about my feelings about jose last year...i really dug the way our relationship never lost its newness, and it always felt like our first date. but at the same time, i never wanted to make that commitment to him, and we could never really talk about anything.

on the other hand, there was matt, who i was extremely comfortable with--but only in certain ways. we were just too close. and there were bad things going on with me at the time that our relationship just cultivated. i mean, i wasn't drinking or smoking or doing any drugs, but i was also not eating and terribly depressed most of the time.

evan and i have so much fun. i know, i'm sort of juvenile...but so is he, and we have helluva good time being that way. but at the same time, we can talk about anything, at least to a greater extent than i've been able to talk about things with anyone else. i love his friends, too, and vice versa. i guess i never realized what a big deal that was before.

hmmm. well, i dunno what's going down today, but i'm going to hop in the shower soon. tonight is rollerama II, and all you colorado mofos should head on down. i think we're also going to see mike and abby again, and have some quality time with musti before he leaves next week. wow it's beautiful outside today.

on musical note (har har):

-the new britta phillips and dean wareham album is amazing.

-other than that, i've been almost exclusively listening to luna and galaxie 500. oh dean.

-the itunes store is amazing. i bought random individual songs from inxs, talking heads, ween, serge gainsbourg, etc. without that i'm-stealing-music guilt.

-OH YEAH! OH MY GOD THE FLAMING LIPS SHOW WAS THE MOST AMAZING EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE. we all got RIGHT up front...i was literally about a foot away from wayne...and i shot him with a water gun several times. man, confetti and gigantic balloons and fur suits really make a concert an experience. hmmm the starlight mints were pretty good, but liz phair was fucking pathetic. she was dressed like a fifteen year old slut and didn't really perform any new songs because oh yeah, she's a washed up gen-xer. heh. anyway, it's time to get clean.

10:44 am - 2003-06-07


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