allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


and if i seem a little strange, well, that's because i am

looking back, the entry i wrote yesterday was sort of funny...because evan and i ended up fighting a bunch for the first time yesterday. and the thing is, at the root of all of the bitching, was the fact that he was insecure about feeling dependent on me. i guess i use up a lot of effort trying not to portray myself as a needy girlfriend, but hell, i'm falling in love with this mofo.

i can't believe i just admitted that in my diary. it's just so scary feeling things you've really never felt's scary feeling things you've just pretended to feel in the past. and well, it's all moving faster than i expected. but things turned out better than ever last night, and we had a really fun time with musti and dave at the rollerama. lemme just say that couples skating is the bomb. mmmhmm.

i have a lot more to say, but i'm too damn tired to write and i have class in the morning. bon nuit, mes amis.

ps: tonight i read some of the french version of musti's paper...besides the fact that i know jack shit about chemistry, i found it quite comforting that i could still decipher the thing. i would so love to take french classes again...

12:12 am - 2003-06-09


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