allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


rest your sleepy head here beside me

ahhh it's sooo hot outside! hmmm. i really don't have much time to write, but i felt the need to add an entry anyway. i have both of my finals tomorrow, and i'm also leaving to go home for the i have to study and pack between now and then. luckily i don't need to leave boulder until 4:00 in the afternoon, so i suppose i should have plenty of time to pack tomorrow.

damn. i am so tired. i feel like i haven't been getting enough sleep lately, despite the fact that i've been skipping the before-class-shower (hence the reason i'm half-soaking wet right now, and not exactly dressed...even though i've been up since 8something). i think after i get dressed i'm going to go down some coffee while i study. sounds like a plan.

what else? hmmm...the other night i (along with a little "help" from laura) cut off all of evan's hair...well, not all of it, but i think he was pretty shocked anyway. i think it looks *so* freaking cute, but he's not as impressed. heh, oh well, it was my first try. i guess he doesn't hate me too much, because he got me a sexy ass t-shirt from crazy amy's. maybe you'll be lucky enough to see me sport it.

and yes, this was the most pointless entry ever. on that note, goodbye.

3:05 pm - 2003-07-02


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