allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


i tried so hard to please her

jtao500: Cat, I have made a limrick for you.

jtao500: and it's amazing.

jtao500: There once was a girl named Cat.

in the front row of students she sat.

When Jared asked offhand

about her favorite band

she said "piss off, emo-boy. I like much better music than you do. Die."

jtao500: notice how it breaks out of conventional structure. That's what I'm about. Pushing boundaries. I'm dangerous.

jared rules. with his chauffeur-age, i will be shuffled off on the AB to DIA in a few hours, and i will arrive in nashville this evening. with evan's awesome mix as a soundtrack, it should be a good time. also, i aced my exams and got A's on my final papers. also, i rule. oh yeah, hey, mills, if you are reading this, you should give me a call this weekend...wait nevermind, i'm not putting my phone number on here. just email me ([email protected])...we should meet up.

12:31 pm - 2003-07-03


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