allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


some things last a long time

mikey died three years ago today. i don't remember much about that day, except for walking down the stairs and practically collapsing onto my mother in the kitchen...crying, hyperventilating, after kara told me and james confirmed it. and come to think of it, i actually got my car that day too (this perhaps has had some effect on my mental stability when it comes to driving/riding in cars). i had just come home from maine the night before it happened. that night, i talked to him while he filled out some forms.

four years ago today we were maybe sitting on my front porch or driving around in his crackpipe car. perhaps i was laying on the floor in my bedroom and talking to him on the phone. but maybe we didn't even talk at all four years ago today. i don't know. i'm sad. i wonder when that goes away.

i guess it's gotten better.

5:10 pm - 2003-07-18


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