allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


if you want me, you know where i am

things on my mind:

* yesterday, unfortunately in the midst of a hardcore anthropology study session, i really wanted to write...could feel words chasing eachother around in my brain, wanting to get out. today, the urge is gone. charles read me a story the other day. i was sort of a character. was surprised i made that much of an impact. hate it when people do that.

* fuck this wearing contacts shit. i'm thinking about going back to glasses again.

* i'm still pissed at rip. i'm upset that he would kiss my roommate when his girlfriend had been out of town for oh, 48 hours--and i don't even like his girlfriend! the fact that he kept telling me they had been hitting on eachother all night (not such a big deal on my roommate's part--she hits on everyone) didn't help either. i mean, whatever, he can do what he wants...but the fact that he let his relationship with his girlfriend get in the way of our friendship all year (and pretty much destroy our friendship, actually) is even more obnoxious when he makes a display like this.

* i'm getting weirded out by jonathan. apparently he was talking to brook at the sundowner and claimed to be friends with evan. he also told me he wants to set brook up with evan...i was like, "um, evan is my boyfriend...that's fucked up." god. he's so weird that i don't even know how to handle the situation.

* speaking of brook (who, for being someone i don't even know, seems to come up a fair amount in conversations in my life), apparently rip is consistantly harrassing her about the events of last weekend. as if she cares. as if rip isn't obsessed with her. ARGH!

* evan and i have fought a good amount lately, but the other night i think we perhaps made a step in the right direction. i think the problem is routed in the fact that i really like him...otherwise i probably wouldn't make the effort to get pissy about things occasionally, and i certainly wouldn't make the effort to fix them if i did [see previous relationships for examples on this matter]. i just want it to work out so badly.

* my room is still pretty clean.

* i am eating bagel chips for a quite late lunch. did you know that a serving (three bagel chips) contains 10% of my recommended daily value of phosphorus and magnesium--and also 8% of my recommended daily value of iron? who would have known.

* the other day at the cu bookstore, i purchased a copy of david foster wallace's brief interviews with hideous men (which i should probably be reading now, instead of sitting on my ass) for $3.99! $3.99!!! i was happy it was um, like ten dollars cheaper than it should be, but it also of course reflects the fact that MY FELLOW CU STUDENTS CANNOT READ!

* i am going to see rilo kiley at the climax lounge tonight. i bet you aren't.

* yoga is amazing. i feel like such a tool/boulderite for doing it, but the classes make me feel amazing. i think it's pretty damn sexy too.

* lately, my dreams seem to intermingle with my reality. not like things from my dreams happen in reality, or vice versa, but like my dreams and my reality blur one is not more concrete than the other. my dreams are so vivid, so real...and remembered in such detail, i'm not sure sometimes what's a memory and what's a mind-made fabrication.

* the new clientele album rocks.

* i ought to make a mix cd sometime soon. better yet, i should break down and make a mix tape. haven't done that since high school.

* i have the best boyfriend in the world. consequently, as a result of this, you don't!

3:13 pm - 2003-07-17


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