allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


i'm caught inside a dream world where all the colors are too intense.

ah, fall semester...the first week of classes is always a 24/7 parade of budding sexuality. it will be pretty funny when about 1/3 of these freshman sluts (cut loose from parental rule and armed with tube tops) get std's over the next couple weeks. heh.

so i'm back in boulder with a vengeance. or not. actually, i just got home from maine last night....holy shit i've never been happier to get back here. it's not that i didn't have a good time--in fact, my only real "summer vacation" was condensed to the two weeks between b term and fall semester--but i missed evan SO FUCKING MUCH. so needless to say, it's nice to be back, even though i had to come back to more traffic and more scantily clad freshman.

hum. i'm experiencing a case of seasonal anomie, due to summer classes and the aformentioned brief vacation period. i don't know what this feels like, but i can't believe that summer is effectively over.

my first class this morning was alright, but i really hate my instructor--philosophy grad students are the worst. my crit. thinking in contemporary moral topics class is gonna be sweet though...i actually have a real professor, and she's not only your typical not-quite-sane philo prof, but a self-proclaimed "marching band mom" as well. rock on.

i don't really feel like writing anything else. i'm giving up on this thing in t-21 days, when my gold membership ends. i said i was going to do it today, but fuck, i lied.

also, i really really really enjoy the magnetic fields. "i didn't listen because my brain was missing, and i only found it today." yep, pretty much.

ps: my reporting class actually only last an hour and a half...praise the lord.

2:05 pm - 2003-08-25


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