allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


the pretty girls are staying inside

i really should be packing right now. actually, considering that i need to get up at 7:00 in the morning, i probably ought to be in bed. but, well, in colorado it's only 9:30, so i'm sleepy but not sleepy enough.

tonight i went to a cajun restaurant with my family, somewhat in celebration of my grandmother's birthday (it's actually on monday). it would have been cool i guess, had they not sneakily added andouille sausage to EVERY SINGLE THING ON THE MENU. not a fan.

i hope my grandmother is still alive the next time i come home. actually, she seems to be doing fairly well...but you never know. i hope i am as mentally sound and cute as she is when i'm old.

hummm. where did the evening go? oh yes, i guess i just told you. anyway, i'm off...but not before leaving you with a list of clothing items i have recently noticed and really really REALLY hate:

*stiletto heeled construction worker boots (possibly the most hideous things ever, and it's a bad sign when even target is knocking off something once worn by j. lo)

*satin cargo capri pants (ehhhh)

*v-neck sweaters with fake oxford shirt collars and cuffs sewn into them (um, why don't you just wear a real shirt underneath?)

*extremely short, pleated schoolgirl skirts (um, maybe it's just because i actually had to wear one for four years...but lemme tell ya, unless you want to wear boxers underneath like we did, it's sort of hard to move without flashing the world your crotch)

*camouflage anything (it's just a bad idea)

*ditto for anything with sequins on it

so yeah, take that into consideration when shopping for your fall wardrobe, or i will kill you. also, even though they seem to be showing up on every fucking supermodel in the world, i can tell you that getting bangs is a REALLY BAD IDEA. thank you very much, but i must get back to operation fly back to boulder. goodnight.

10:38 pm - 2003-08-16


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