allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


too cool for school

people keep telling me i'm insane for planning to graduate early...keep telling me that they want to stay in college for as long as possible. and they don't get it. midnight is a late bed time for me. i rarely get drunk. college, for me, is not a slew of keg parties.

and first of all, it's not like when i graduate i'm going to have to become a responsible adult overnight. i mean jesus, i'm only going to be twenty one years old. and then, there's grad school anyway.

college is fun, but i kind of see it as a holding cell for the real world. i've learned a little, mostly about things non-academic in their nature, but having a job will teach me infinitely more about what i want to do. and even though i really love my classes right now, they're all basically teaching me the same thing: left wing propaganda.

as far as taking classes all throughout this past summer, taking all these classes now...well, i love it. stress...that's what i thrive on. maybe that's why i want to be a journalist. the fact is, if i don't have a bunch of homework and reading, i'll find something else to stress out about.

so i'm excited. i can't wait to live somewhere that has a mean age of over like, twenty four. i'm excited for deadlines and low salaries and grad school and all of that shit. and i'm having fun right now, too...lots of it, in fact...but i don't really feel it necessary to hold on to right now for as long as possible.

8:37 am - 2003-08-28


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