allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


september girls

hello my friends. i suppose it's been a few days. well, you didn't miss much, but i had a fun weekend in case you really are interested.

on friday night, danielle, adam, amanda, django, evan, and i went to see dressy bessy at the gothic. it was a good show, but considering that it was their cd release party, the crowd was pretty lame. oh well, at least i got a sticker. on saturday i hung out with rip and made cookies for evan...then evan and i went over to mike and abby's house. i'm proud to say that i actually watched the football game! heh. on sunday we wandered around pearl street and later on we went over to john and mary ellen's house for dinner....i had quite a bit of wine heh. yesterday i had to read a bunch for my tuesday classes, and then last night evan and i watched sweet and lowdown. other than that, nothing else of interest really happened...oh yeah, laura made out with a couple random people, but i guess that's not surprising. yeeep.

this morning i had media law. i was sorta worried because i didn't add it until the end of last weekend, and thus missed the first two classes...but we didn't have much reading last week and i got the notes from someone. after that i had a pretty fun time delivering meals for meals on wheels (though someone should make me a rockin' mix tape for my car), and now i'm back here, eating lunch/about to go back to class.

so there. in case you make it a regular habit of monitoring my daily activities, that's what i did for the past few days. goodbye now.

1:00 pm - 2003-09-02


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