allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


in the morning

i turn 19 in 11 months! yay me.

i'm happy to announce that things have once again worked themselves out.

on sunday night i fought with/talked to adam for approximatly five hours. yeah. i don't know if i misunderstood that email or if he was miscommunicating, but his later argument sounded a lot different from what he first said to me.

he said he just wants "assurance" that i'm still attracted to him and that email was not meant to make me angry. i said well if that was true then he must have had very little faith in me because the only way it wouldn't have hurt my feelings is if i really didn't have any feelings for him.

i mean, it really hurt my feelings either way because whether he thought i wasn't attracted to him anymore or just needed assurance that i still am, it means i'm obviously not doing a very good job as a girlfriend. but we talked a long time and he apologized and stuff and we i think eventually realized it was a stupid and pointless argument by the next day.

i can't believe i almost broke up with him.

one point i brought up is why should we continue dating when he has no desire to have a long-distance relationship and i have very little interest in going to UT? from his past point of view it would be inevitable that we would break up at the end of the summer anyway, and in my opinion that would be even harder. well we talked about it some more and we decided that we'll give it a try if we need to. it's going to be hard though.

i'm glad we got everything worked out.

however, because of this i got absolutely none of my homework done and had to get to school an hour early to do my chem and then beg my saint-like art teacher to let me skip the majority of my art class to type an essay in french. i'm sorry but sometimes AP french is more important than AP art...well anyway lucky me had two free periods later in the day so english and history were not hard to finish. after school i went to aeroboxing and my ass is STILL sore today! i better be buff soon.

yesterday adam was really sick with a stomach-flu type thing...i hope he feels better today. that is the worst kind of sick. i felt really bad that there was nothing i could do for him. hopefully i'll be able to visit him after school today.

i feel like i should have more to say but i don't remember what. maybe you'll find out later.

9:04 am - 2001-02-07


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