allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


renaissance affair

a couple days ago i wrote a really long entry, and then when i was writing the title i clicked on something that made the whole entry kind of rained on my parade, so i waited a couple days to write again...

i believe my last entry started out something like this: "why, why, why do i torture my body with strenuous daily execise when i continue to sabotage my efforts by eating highly caloric cafeteria food?" it was something like that. and yet again, after trying to maintain a semi-balanced diet throughout the weekend, i find myself in a state of post-lunch depression. damn you french fries.

besides that, all that i remember from the latter half of last week is that on thursday i got into CU-boulder (yay!!!) , had an uneventful guitar lesson and then i hung out with bill for the first time in forever. sort of anyway...i had to go to aeroboxing like 30 min. later.

on friday i had no desire to do anything during school. i felt like i didn't have any classes, but i still could have done some work--by sunday i ended up having about four hours worth that had piled up.

after school liz and i got tickets to "hannibal", which we saw with adam and jacob that night. i saw bill for the 3rd or 4th time in a week which was weird. damn i was glad i'm eighteen because they had a rent-a-cop carding at the door. heh. we all liked it except liz. i thought the end was scary and stuff but that's why it was good. maybe julianne moore wasn't perfect for her part but i thought the movie itself was much more entertaining than some other things i've seen lately. liz kept on bitching about how crappy the acting and the story was...pshaw, you think "centerstage" is a quality movie, you bitch!

after that jacob went home and we went to jacksons then drove around until we got tired of liz even though she thinks she got tired of us!

on saturday i rolled out of bed around 10:40 and left my house for an 11:00 aeroboxing class about 10 minutes later :) i wasn't very pleased with the instructer but i was proud of myself for having the willpower to work out on a friday and saturday. i spent the rest of the day reorganizing my linen closet, my bathroom counters and the cabinets underneath took a long ass time but it looks good.

my sister was in town all weekend because the ballet company she works for was performing at vanderbilt...i didn't get to see her...i felt kind of bad.

adam came over around 5 on saturday night and we went to the mall to get my mom a b-day present...after that i remembered i had to take my bro to the movies so we dropped him off to hang out with the 8th grade hoes and went to rotier's for dinner. this was kind of a mistake as it took us about an hour to be served. oh well who cares :)

after that we went back to my house because my parents were off socializing at the heart gala and i'm not telling what went down so you can just use your dirty little minds. heh just kidding of course :)

we had to pick up my bro around 10 and afterwards we went to brad's house because rip informed us that a hoe down of sorts was taking place. it turned out that whitney and all her underage hoe friends were there, along with some of brad's friends. some people were kind of drunk and all the hoes were acting naughty, but it was pretty boring so we left and went back to my house to watch SNL.

on sunday i had to acolyte at church and go to princeton's with my fam. after that, the madness began. my mom wanted me to see a dress at the mall and i didn't like it, so i went to another store and she was supposed to meet me there and she didn't and i ended up walking around for an hour trying to find her, then i just went back to my car...then i went back in and she was walking out with a huge ann taylor bag. fuck you mom. blah i was so mad at her. maybe it was just a misunderstanding, but she does it all the time and it's annoying.

so it was about 3:30 and she wanted me to go to this mother/daughter tea party and i refused and she got all mad and we went home and i went up to my room. so she comes in a little later and says she's sorry, but it sounds really insincere and i just wasn't in the mood for her...and THEN she says there's something else she needs to talk to me about, so i get off the phone and she starts questioning me and it's a long story but basically she accuses me of being pregnant.

PREGNANT? what the hell? for some reason it made me upset and i started crying, but then i got all paranoid. why would she think that? it was just really weird.

the rest of the day was eaten up by homework and talking to adam and liz.

this morning i had a shock. like elise, i started reading the obituaries daily after mikey died. it does seem like more and more teenagers are dying from car wonder it's the biggest cause of death among teens. well anyway, this morning as i scanned over them i was relieved that i didn't see anyone i knew or anyone my age. i turned the page to check out this week's weather and an article caught my eye--a girl had died in a carwreck. i read it and realized that a girl from my school (and also in my grade) was in the other car. she's fine, but that is just really fucked up. i almost lost my breath when i read it. the girl who died was only 16.

on a more shallow note, today we found out that the library won't be ready for us to graduate in front of. they're going to try to finish as much as possible, but it looks like my joke about graduating in front of a library backdrop might become a reality :)

i think i've got about two minutes until the bell rings...

12:37 pm - 2001-02-12


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