allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


honeymoon in san francisco

whew. i just gave a pint of blood, and now i'm feeling a tad woozy. it wasn't as scary as i thought it would be, though...everyone should go donate blood today! and plus you get generic cola and snacks afterwards!

i spent tuesday hurridly searching for something to give adam and liz for v-day. i finally settled on a little box of chocolates with a rat on the top and a funny card for liz (which i embellished with a UT-WANG acceptance certificate) and the soundtrack to magnolia, a huge ass box of chocolates and a dirty card for adam. actually it would have been funnier if it was something skankier but apparently target likes to maintain a family-friendly atmosphere. i also had a grueling workout in aeroboxing...i need to stretch more--i always get sore during that class.

in other news:

the past 24 hours or so have ruled. yesterday was the best valentine's day i've ever had. i enjoyed basically only having 45 minutes of actual learning yesterday: first period i had art, then i went off campus from like 10:00 until 12 something during my free period and lunch, then we watched "austin powers" in french (and i gave out my barbie valentines) and we also watched a video on the holocaust in history. those dreadful 45 minutes of real school were spent taking notes for the first half of my history class. anyway, it was cool.

when i went off campus i first visited liz because she is sick with mono (hahah i'm so glad i've already had suckssss) and then i had an odd adventure visiting matt crane at his new appartment. he was actually acting (and possibly only acting) sane and we had a normal conversation. i hope to at least semi-restore all my old friendships before i go off to college.

after school i treated myself to a work out free afternoon. i talked to liz for a bit and cleaned my room, then i got ready to go out with adam. i was playing the soundtrack to "stealing beauty" all day because first of all it rules but second of all it is good valentine's day "mood music." heh.

i had an awesome time with adam. he brought me a dozen roses then we went out to dinner and rented a movie which probably sounds boring, but we did it "adam and catherine-style" which meant we went to mr gatti's (don't laugh) and made the fat old people jealous of us because we're young and sexy and cooler than them (heh or something like that)...and then we watched "american pimp." great movie, i definitely recommend it :)

just curling up with him on my couch was enough to make my night though. blah. how did i get so lucky? he is like the male me. it's so convenient too, and i never realized it in the past because i've pretty much always dated people who have nothing in common with me. we first bonded over our musical tastes but there is way more than that--from our families to the fact that we're both quiet most of the time but sometimes just the opposite to the fact that we're both insecure but full of ourselves at the same time to the fact that we both like art and writing to the fact that we both have dark brown hair and blue eyes...the list goes on.

it's hard for me to write things about us without sounding like it's just another bullshit teen romance modeled after dawson's creek...but i hope you believe me when i say it's not. because i've had plenty of bullshit relationships in the past...and this doesn't seem to be one of them.

this morning i woke up before 5 and went to the Y to exercise. you can't exercise after you give blood so since i skipped out yesterday i decided working out today would be necessary. i ended up having an hour until school started after i worked out for an hour and took a shower so i went and chilled at starbuck's (the spawn of satan) because nothing else was open.

besides that and giving blood, nothing too exciting has happened yet...we had a good speaker at assembly. well it's off to lunch now. byebye.

ps: thank you raf for sending me a valentine!

11:27 am - 2001-02-15


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