allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


lovin' you forever

driving home at 5:45 on a monday evening is beautiful when you are listening to al green, and the sky is a melange of warm and cool.

i love mondays because aeroboxing is early in the afternoon, which gives me time to do things afterwards. today i went to davis-kidd again because i found out that "high fidelity" is another choice for our book review assignment. i decided i will have to read about the "almighty clitoris" another time. i also bought a collection of poetry by rilke.

it's been a good day because i got back a chemistry test and i got an A on it...i also got an A on the last one that i thought i failed...hmmm this rules. maybe i didn't become an idiot this semester after all. i'm pretty sure i'll pull an A in every class except french again. goddamnit ahhh.

oh yeah it was also a good day because my french teacher wasn't at school so cara and i spent most of the period in the bathroom talking to katy adams about sex, drugs and rock'n'roll...or something like that...ooh what rebels ;)

hmmm what else? oh yeah the rest of the weekend...saturday night adam and i went to fido's, attempted to swing on the playground in my neighborhood (we were blown away by the wind), watched "bottle rocket" (i highly recommend it) and some other crap on tv...when it started raining a lot i was so scared for him to drive home but he called me when he got home so it was all good.

after that i got sexually harrassed on the online by a former ensworth classmate. very odd.

on sunday it was the usual: church, chinatown with the fam (i'm really getting sick of this place), shopping with mom and chillin' with adam. we went to granberry park and then cool springs then i came home and did my homework etc etc get the idea :)

love to you*

6:00 pm - 2001-02-26


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