allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


i'm going to colorado to unload my head

damn i haven't updated in awhile. it's all madness, but a pleasant madness i suppose. i'll just start with today and tell it all backwards...

woke up, went back to sleep, still got to school on time. i rule. i basically haven't done anything all day...this woman came and spoke to us about the transition to college and she was awesome--totally realistic and stuff. what was even cooler is that i missed french class. hell yeah! so right now i'm supposed to be taking the chem test i missed last friday...but i didn't know i was supposed to take it today, and that speaker cut into half of my last free period, so i sent m.v. a pitful email saying i can't take it until tomorrow. i'm a chem nerd damnit, i rule in that she better understand. however, until i find out if it's cool or not, i'm staying in this room and hiding :)

yesterday was blahhh. i was still recovering from saturday night basically all day. i went out to lunch with my fam and my aunt is home from san francisco so that was cool...but everyone kept asking me stuff about boulder and i was tired and didn't really wanna talk about it kinda sucked too. after that i got in a fight with my dad because he said i was irresponsible for not calling the night before. luckily my mom totally stood up for me and basically said i could stay out til whenever i want to, because it's legal and damnit i'm going to college soon. yeah!

i was happy my mom defended me but i was still in a sour mood, so i got out of there, dropped off my pictures and went shopping. i bought a bunch of stuff from the gap...screw you raf! i don't care about sweat shops! hahaha...all i know is that they have some damn cute flip flops right now. after that i got my pictures and they're pretty hilarious.

lalala i was supposed to go to the AP english exam review at my english teacher's house...but i forgot until it was pretty late, and then i had to go get gas, and then i went the wrong way on the interstate, and then i just decided to go home...i was pretty damn out of it. i saw kara and anne, etc at the gas station and i like couldn't talk still.

bleh i can't finish this now. i'll continue this afternoon.

12:34 pm - 2001-04-30


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