allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


the perks of being a wallflower

stuff i've done in the past week:

monday 10-1: went to class, went cd shopping with alika, went to illegal pete's with a gazillion people to celebrate grady's jaw wire removal, watched "dazed and confused" for the billionth time

tuesday 10-2: went to class, wandered around the east end of pearl street, finally went to penny lane, scored a free ticket to the sold out john mayer show and got really close to the front....awesome show...played a long, long time....played my 2 fave songs by him....then got to stay up until 4 am packing and cleaning yay

wednesday 10-3: skipped class, read "the perks of being a wallflower" in its entirity, came home. went to cafe coco with bill and sam immediately after showering off the airplane induced nasty feeling i had going on...saw ricky, paul, etc...

thursday 10-4: got my hair cut, shopped lots and lots, went to the glossary/american analog set show with ruled....stopped by jacob's house...drove around nashville for like an hour eating spicy krystal chicks and listening to WRVU play indie rock A-Z....collapsed in my oh-so-wonderful bed

friday 10-5: took my bro to comp usa to get some shit for his computer but they didn't have i took the opportunity to take him to grimey's while we were in the neighborhood...bought him the new beulah cd and a couple others for myself....also took him to off 12th where i purchased more cds hehe...went to eat at jimmy john's!!! then went to my grandparent's house forever, where i was offered beer, wine, and a bottled margarita....met up with adam and watched pi

saturday 10-6: went to rotier's with the fam and then went shopping all day at cool springs with my mom, hung out with bill and andrew and quillen and lynn and blake etc etc...went to visit jacob at work...went to cafe coco and hung out with some cool people i met at the end on thursday...said goodbyes...packed my heart away until 3 am

sunday 10-7: came home, fell asleep, woke up at 2:30 am, realized a bottle of cK truth had broken in my bag, was very disgruntled

monday 10-8: went to class, ate lunch with raf and berto, went to target with raf and alika, unpacked my perfume reeking clothing, hid my suitcase in my closet....eventually escaped to trident b/c the smell was giving me a headache and i couldn't study...studied...went to the library and studied more (i have a hist. of jazz test tomorrow and i'm a dork), chilled at chey ho with rip for awhile...and now i'm sitting on my ass, when i should actually be asleep

so if you're even still's what i have to say about all that:

i'm glad i went to nashville because i feel like i tied up some loose ends and got some closure with certain people (ahem ricky) without even having to talk about it...things just worked out.

i realized that what i would most like to have here in boulder from home is my big, so soft...ahhh i miss it right now.

cafe coco might be able to be replaced by penny lane. the atmosphere there is the closest thing i could find. and speaking of coco's....i found out some fucked up shit about chris bergeret and another guy (supposedly) named chris that i knew from there involving stolen credit cards...merrr weirdos...

i am hoping that even though my brother is class president and gets really good grades and is a football star and stuff he will stay cool and yeah...i dunno...i wouldn't say i was a nerd in high school...but i would have never run for class president...heh art club and penstaff were more my style...i was just...shy...outside of the classroom anyway. in class, at least last year, i was the annoying person who knew all the answers...not that i want my brother to be like that...i dunno where i'm going with this....but last year i had so much influence over his tastes in things...i showed him good books and good bands and good movies, i helped him pick out clothes...blah i dunno i just don't want him to turn into a stereotypical mba boy. i can already tell his high school experience will be a lot different than mine...i just wish i was there to guide him or something :) actually i'm jealous he still has almost all of high school left ahead of him.

the best and the worst days of my life thus far.

12:30 am - 2001-10-08


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