allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


riding in cars with boys

i just got home from working on a journalism project, working out and studying philosophy in the library. unfortunately, these activities, though beneficial, took up my entire afternoon...oh well :)

this guy louis in my journalism class likes good music...and he drove me home from his house which was like the highlight of my day since for some reason it seems like i walked a million miles. yeah.

i found this mix cd i made over a year ago and i've been listening to it all day. it was from when i was just getting really into indie stuff and it's pretty good...brought back memories of the last time in my life i was really not an uptight perfectionist.

yes, i admit it. i'm psycho. actually, that's a nice lead in to something else worth mentioning. i almost cried yesterday because i got my first B here at CU--an 88 on my last anthropology test....and then i got back a geography paper that i got a B on as well. the paper was a very last minute kind of thing so i wasn't that dissapointed...but damnit! i studied really hard for that anthropology test...and all my hard work was sabotaged because of some stupid ass true/false questions that i read too deeply into!

i miss short answer...fill in the blank even.

but today i found out i got an A on my history of jazz test that was good. i guess this just teaches me to study harder....or something. damnit i suck.

ok so here is my goal:

i was thinking if i woke up at 6:30 every morning i would have plenty of time to work out, take a shower and get dressed before class...but the thing is, i don't really wanna get up at 6:30...and i sure as hell don't want to drag my shampoo and clothing choice of the day over to the goddamn rec center ever morning...sooo...

contrary to what raf thinks i should do, i think i'm just going to start working out after class every monday, wednesday and friday...and on tuesday, thursday and saturday i'll work out around 9ish, then come back here and get dressed before class. then on sunday...i'm going to be a lazy fat ass...and clean my room and do my laundry too.

i wonder how long it will take me to get buff...or something.

i need a manicure and a pedicure...really bad. and damnit i can't believe i missed black rebel motorcycle club AND modest mouse this week...damn me and my moral obligation to do my homework. oh well...lots of good shows coming up in the next few weeks.

heh but yesterday evening right after my geography recitation i smoked the reefer for the second time since i've been here (suprising, eh?) and played frisbee...which is very entertaining when you are stoned....i also attacked an entire illegal pete's burrito also for the second time (impressive, eh?), and rip did as well. i was very proud.

well now it's time to hit the hay, fo' sheazy ma' nizzel heh.

10:30 pm - 2001-11-10


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