allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


for all those staring eyes to see

"and you're not really sure what you're doing this for, but you need something to fill up the days."

right on, conor.

my brother thinks i'm a pothead.

at least i get good grades, right?

my brother wants my car, or else he's getting something beyond shitty.

why did my parents get me such a nice car? i want my car next year.

i think the best solution (because i'm actually feeling compassionate right now) is to trade my car in for two only half-shitty cars.

god, i don't even want to think about things that aren't running smoothly.

but i just want it all to be simple...i want a simple life.

i just want to fucking make out, write, work, sleep, shit, dream, grow, be alone, be with friends, play frisbee sometimes.

i miss my bro a lot.

12:44 pm - 2002-04-11


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