allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


trompe le monde

i've spend this day doing nothing, which i think is exactly what i needed to do. i'm going back to school in a week....which means that i have maybe one or two days before packing up all my shit and getting out of here is all that's on anyone in my family's mind.

these past two days have been cast with the feeling of fall...this morning as i was driving home, i noticed all the vandy kids were out running and playing football, and hillsboro had a full parking lot. nashville is so great in the fall...i wish i could be here for the real thing sometimes. i'm sure things will change once i get settled back in boulder, but i do love being home.

yesterday i took some time to go to all the places i'd been meaning to go to this summer but never had a chance to because of work and such...pre- to post-modern, venus and mars, grimey's....i had a fun day with myself and found way too many used cd's i wanted at grimey's.

la la la. and of course last night...wonderful. woody allen films and pizza and couches with cute boys on them tend to make for a perfect evening. waking up this morning was lovely :)

i'm going to eat a nice dinner with my fam now and finally take a shower and read some more of "naked" by david sedaris and probably not work out because my body is already in pain from yesterday's stereolab fueled session....

i'm just going to enjoy this week, because i'm sure i'll regret it if i don't.

5:35 am - 2002-08-13


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