allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


i am trying to break your heart

musique: "i want someone badly" by jeff buckley

i don't know what the hell the people who live above me do all the time, but it is very noisy. it sounds like they are standing on their kitchen counter and dropping furniture off of it or something. anyway, i don't like it, and i'm developing a paranoid phobia of weak ceiling structures...especially ones in very hastily built apartment complexes...ahem...

oh well. at least they aren't having loud sex right above me....though i do get to hear the blasting of ghetto rap from about 10 pm on thursday night until 4 am on sunday morning.

i miss the dorms, damnit. it was never noisy because i lived with a bunch of nerds :) well except that damn trumpet player below me...but i miss the constant company...and the amazing vaulted ceilings and such in my pretty excellent room.

it's almost 1:30 and i'm still awake. why? i am beginning to think that i'm becoming an insomniac. i stayed up until like 4:30 once this weekend without even meaning to. that's a bad sign. i also slept until like 12 today. that is another bad sign.

damnit catherine, slap some sense into yourself. oh well, my average in all of my classes is 100 or more heh. yay. some slight amount of weight has been lost (but boobs have shrunk as well, even garrett noticed damnit...well maybe it's good, i don't know). alcohol punishment is all done, groceries have been purchased. i really just need to get on a regular schedule of working out and such and cleaning my room before it gets terribly dirty.

hmmm. quote of the evening (courtesy of cyrus): "you are sadistic...ants have feelings!!!" riiiight.

1:19 am - 2002-09-17


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