allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


some idealistic future

listening to: belle and sebastian, "is it wicked not to care?"

i have been crazy busy lately. unfortunately, as devoted readers may have noticed in the past, having a life sort of cuts down on my diary writing. then again, so does aol instant messenger. hmmm.

so i'm doing well. i spent about half of spring break (ok well i'm considering spring break to have occured from when raf got here until when spring break actually ended on sunday) being generally irresponsible, lazy, and experiencing somewhat of an altered state of reality due to mucho cheeba puffing and mass consumption of alcohol.

however, by the time we had missed like a week of school because of snow days, i was pretty bored with that. my brother came to visit, and (i think) we had a really good time. we're so much alike, but he talks about 1/10th as much as i do. and i don't even talk that much...okay, maybe i do...but i don't talk very loud.

so yeah. we saw "talk to her" and ate weird australian candy from the movie theatre, went cd shopping a lot, ate indian food, put some sass in his spring wardrobe with a trip to urban outfitters, went to denver and hung out at the ps lounge, my favorite sketchy bar...etc etc. i feel relaxed around him.

i spent the rest of the time getting my life in order. since the monday of my real spring break, i have started taking a multivitamin every day, regularly flossed and applied sunscreen to my face and lotion to the rest of my body, kept my room pretty damn clean, found a job (heh. i will own the telemarketing business. just because i'll be working for satan doesn't mean i can't be good at it...), read (at least parts of) books, and thanks to a trip to denver's finest "world's largest discount laundrymat," cleaned all of my clothes.

oooh perhaps most importantly, laura and i found an apartment, put down a deposit, and as of wednesday, signed the lease. the place is huge and pretty close to campus...and we can paint the walls and have a cat! i'm so fucking jazzed.

things with evan are progressing nicely as well. i guess i haven't really talked about that much, but to make a long story short, running into him at the sea and cake ending up being very cool. it's fun to have a hand to hold.

speaking of shows, i went to bright eyes/arab strap (really depressing not just because of conor's music, but the crowd in general) and pinback this week. pinback, at least, was excellent...even though i was exiled to the balcony. i hate the fucking bluebird. every band should play at the gothic, damnit. even at the fox, where security is pretty all over the place and over/under 21 are separated, i still managed to down some gin and tonic.

gin and tonics are amazing. thanks to evan, they are my new drink of choice. especially at the ps lounge. especially when i am already drunk. and especially with a lot of lime.

in other news, some man on the bus got off at my stop just to ask me how old i am and what my ethnicity is (?!?!)....he told me i was beautiful and such, which is always nice, but i'm pretty sure he was homeless and crazy.

i convinced the bank to refund me my overdraft fees. i rule.

i made it to the second round of the scholarship i ended up getting to turn in earlier this week....and dave told me the scholarship committee really liked my other scholarship essay...i can't wait to find out how much i get. hah i guess i shouldn't pre-suppose anything, but he did basically tell me i got something...

anyway, i hope this diary entry will suffice.

...i probably won't write again for a few more weeks :)

compulsively yours, cat

2:23 pm - 2003-04-04


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