allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


tu es la vague

man, i really enjoyed the yo la tengo show. i don't think evan was very impressed, but i think it's because he'd seem them before. i really thought it was beautiful.

i was particularly jazzed when they played "autumn sweater."

i handed out lots of flyers for evan, and right before we left i gave one for joy's show to a member of the clean. i think he thought i was retarded.

but life is good anyway :) i'm really digging my classes, even though i couldn't make myself finish dubliners earlier. it will be more annoying when we start reading books i haven't read, but these condensed classes don't allow me to lose focus. classes really are cooler when you do the reading--whether you need to or not.

sex class is fun. i just wrote like ten million sex-related slang terms on the board in our classroom. i'm getting so much out of my education hahaha.

hmmm...i just realized that i have absolutely nothing to say. i'm going to go visit evan now and beat him up for getting to sleep later than me.

goddamn he looks cute in the morning.

ok. bye.

12:34 pm - 2003-06-12


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