allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


sweet and tender hooligan

why is it that every time i clean my room, i go through my closet and find clothing i don't want anymore? i really don't buy a whole lot of clothes...but somehow they just build up, or i become more and more discriminating every time i reorganize my closet. i dunno. either way, it's nice actually having space in there...especially since all of my cold weather clothes are finally packed away. i have a shitload of extra hangers though, if anyone wants them.

my room isn't clean yet...but it's getting there. i haven't even let evan in my room for like two weeks...heh it was pretty bad. anyway, i should probably get back to work. i got distracted when dave called a while ago, damnit.

why can't i just stop being messy?

9:10 pm - 2003-06-18


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