allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


lie awake at night and dream of you

"on se dit qu'a vingt ans on est le roi du monde" ~fran�oise hardy

c'est vrai.

damn. i'm just so happy. this is like, the first time in my entire life that i haven't longed for the past. last night i spent a long time reading over lots of my old diary entries, and i guess i've been thinking about my life a lot. on one hand, i'm glad that documenting things is important to me...for example, in reading over the things i wrote last year, i realized that i don't remember a whole lot. i mean, basically, if you asked me to characterize my freshman year, i'd mention spending a lot of time with raf & co., spending even more time with rip at chey ho, living in the nerd dorm but having a kickass roommate...and smoking a shitload of pot. of course all of that happened, but because of all of that pot i smoked, there's a lot of stuff i forgot about. and on the other hand, sometimes i wish i wasn't such a nostalgic person. anyway, i think i'm going off on a tangent back to the point...after i read about the past, i was just so glad to be in the now. hmmm that probably sounds lame...but things haven't been better. and well, being the nostalgic sap i am, that's saying a lot.

mchwa, mes amis. and yes, they're mine.

11:49 pm - 2003-06-18


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