allmydreams's Diaryland Diary


ordinary people

so shortly after i wrote that last entry, i decided i was too antsy to watch a movie. all of my homework was done, so i put on some pants and went to pearl street to get some coffee. this seemed like a good idea, but unfortunately it started to rain very hard right as i pulled out of my parking space. i went anyway, and got a cup of coffee at bookends right as they were closing. i didn't want to go home right away, so i wandered down to the trident to do some browsing. not surprisingly, i ended up buying a couple books...cherry by mary karr, and getting even by woody allen. you may be thinking, "cat, don't you have enough required reading every day?"--and the answer is yes, yes i do. however, i believe in imposing a summer reading list of sorts upon myself, and books i have to read for class don't really count. i figure in a couple weeks when i start my next classes, i'll have a lot more time anyway. so there you have it.

hah. anyhow, after my coffee drinking/book purchasing adventure, i decided to head home. while fumbling for my keys/attempting to hold the umbrella evan left in my car, a group of aging frat-types walked past me and thus commenced a scene that went something like this:

guy #1: hey there...

guy #2: hey you know we have this theory about girls who drive jettas...

guy #3: they're all fucking hot!

guys (in unison): hahahaha yeah man...

me: um, okay... [gets in car]

people are really strange.

and finally, for your amusement, here is a funny picture of me from many moons ago, when my roommate coerced me into putting curlers in my hair (hey, i have server space to fill...and actually i am fucking hot haha):

10:57 pm - 2003-06-17


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